Start marketing like a pro

without the expense or need of an agency!

One simple plan, you get everything, with a 7-day free trial!

Ads AI Pro


billed yearly

Pay month-to-month, it’s $299/month.

Perfect for growing businesses and companies that want the best to track and run ads like the pros.

Up To $30k in Monthly Ad Spend

One Location

Connect All Ad Platformors

Track Ads With AI

Create Ads with Ease

All Ad Types

Send Post Cards



A/B Split Testing

Budget Across Platforms

Plus so much more...

Ads AI Enterprise

Custom Pricing

billed yearly

For multi-location or above $30k monthly.

Perfect for growing businesses and companies that want the best to track and run ads like the pros.

Over $30k in Monthly Ad Spend

Multiple Locations

Connect All Ad Platformors

Track Ads With AI

Create Ads with Ease

All Ad Types

Send Post Cards



A/B Split Testing

Budget Across Platforms

Plus so much more...

A Simple System to Attract Motivated Leads

Rank on Google Immediately & Rank Higher Each Month

Create Content That Converts

Social Media Planning Done For You

UpRank, UpRankPro,  UpRank Software,  UpRank Marketing, UpRank Tech, UR, UpRank Local,  Click and Go Ads, Local business ads, No agency required, Easy Facebook Ads integration, Simplified ad campaigns, Running ads made easy, Hassle-free ad management, Efficient ad setup, Cost-effective ad solutions, DIY ad campaigns, Quick and simple ad launching, Agency-free ad success, Empowering local businesses with ads, User-friendly Facebook Ads integration, Streamlined ad creation process
UpRank, UpRankPro,  UpRank Software,  UpRank Marketing, UpRank Tech, UR, UpRank Local,  Click and Go Ads, Local business ads, No agency required, Easy Facebook Ads integration, Simplified ad campaigns, Running ads made easy, Hassle-free ad management, Efficient ad setup, Cost-effective ad solutions, DIY ad campaigns, Quick and simple ad launching, Agency-free ad success, Empowering local businesses with ads, User-friendly Facebook Ads integration, Streamlined ad creation process

The Powerful AI Assistant to Grow Your Business and Save You Time

AI Appointment Booking Assistant

AI Appointment Chat Assistant

AI Content Assistant

Instant Access To All The Tools You Need To Grow Your Entire Business

Automations To Help You Follow Up Faster

Profile Website Set Up For You

Digital Business and Networking Card

Access to a Fully Loaded CRM, Sales & Marketing Software

UpRank, UpRankPro,  UpRank Software,  UpRank Marketing, UpRank Tech, UR, UpRank Local,  Click and Go Ads, Local business ads, No agency required, Easy Facebook Ads integration, Simplified ad campaigns, Running ads made easy, Hassle-free ad management, Efficient ad setup, Cost-effective ad solutions, DIY ad campaigns, Quick and simple ad launching, Agency-free ad success, Empowering local businesses with ads, User-friendly Facebook Ads integration, Streamlined ad creation process

You Get All This & More With UpRank!

AI Ads - Let AI help you set up and track your ads on Facebook, Google, TikTok and More...

AI Appointment Setter - Let AI follow up and book leads on your calendar.

50+ Online Profiles - Built for you so that sellers can find you faster.

Optimized Google Business Profile - Optimization so that you get noticed and rank higher on Google search.

Social Lead Flow System - Get more organic notice from Google, Facebook, SEO and others.

AI Assistant - To help you write content and book appointments.

Automations - Never miss out on a client again.

Micro Website - Become known as the leading professional in your area and rank higher on Google.

Weekly Coaching Call - Live Coaching every Week.

Membership Access - UpRank Academy access to videos.

BONUS: Our Robust CRM, Marketing & Sales Software

PLUS SO MUCH MORE - We don't want to overwhelm you, but this is just a piece of what we offer in this package.

For Only


Plus a one-time setup fee of $250.


Ready to revolutionize your Digital Marketing?

Experience the Future of Paid Marketing

Get started today, create and manage ads in minutes so you can focus on what really matters.

Your business.

UpRank HQ Contact

404 4th Ave
Mason, Ohio 45040
513-548-4420 (Text/Call)

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